Journalism Ethics
- Number of classes: Seven
- Tutor: Dr. Saydia Gulrukh
- International Expert: Tanvi Mishra
The participants will be able to know
• Why and how ethics matter in visual journalism
• The ethics of digital editing
• Feminist ethics in visual reporting
• Ethics of inclusion and undoing stereotypes
• Ethical journalism in controlled media environment
To maintain the integrity of journalistic works there are globally acknowledged guiding principles and code of ethics that govern the conduct of journalists at work. These codes generally revolve around the following concerns: truthfulness, independence, and minimize harm. Lately, the questions of transparency and community have also been added to the list. While the course begins with introducing these codes and ethical frameworks, it is not focused on telling right from wrong, rather aims at providing students with conceptual tools and past examples so they are better prepared to make the difficult ethical decision on the ground. In so doing, the course also discusses the structural conditions — corporate, governmental and editorial interest — that influence, often constrain journalistic work and visual integrity.
01. Why and how ethics matter in visual journalism
02. The ethics of digital editing
03. Feminist ethics in visual reporting
04. Ethics of inclusion and undoing stereotypes
05. Ethics as a shared, collective responsibility
06. Ethical journalism in controlled media environment
07. Saydia Gulrukh with Tanvi Mishra: A Conversation
You can either complete free courses online or you can receive certification by learning the courses for a longer period. If you like to utilise this opportunity then at first you need to register for the certification proagrmme. After completing the registration process you can attend the free video lectures which are available on our website. Based on the topics you need to submit assignments and effectively you can receive feedback on your work from the Pathshala tutors. Once you make your final submission of your assignment you will be awarded a certificate.
We are offering three sessions for taking certification and you can pick any one of the sessions of your choice. It is a three-month-long session. Registration Fee: BDT 15000. Sessions: Jan-Mar, May-July, and Sep-Nov
We are offering three sessions for taking certification and you can pick any one of the sessions of your choice. It is a three-month-long session. Registration Fee: BDT 15000. Sessions: Jan-Mar, May-July, and Sep-Nov

+8802 9115044 / +880 1795 094 271pathshala.office@gmail.com